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Welcome to the PSERS Retirement Benefit Calculator

ou should not base any decisions about your retirement benefits solely on the resulting estimate(s) produced by this calculator. PSERS does not guarantee the accuracy of any of the resulting data generated by this calculator.  The information and formulas used in this calculator are broad in design to accommodate the many conceivable member account and benefit variations possible. If you are seriously planning retirement and you are within one year of your projected retirement date, you should attend a Foundations for Your Future  meeting and request a staff-prepared retirement estimate.  

If you are a full-time employee and your projected retirement date is more than 12 months in the future, please use this calculator.  
If you are a part-time employee, you should use the estimate calculator on the PSERS Member Self-Service (MSS) portal.
If you are vested (eligible for a monthly benefit) but are not presently working in a Pennsylvania public school, you should use the estimate calculator on MSS.

Additionally, if you meet one of the following conditions do not use this generic calculator. You should request a staff-prepared estimate by using the Request for Retirement Estimate (PSRS-151) form. Members are limited to two PSERS staff-prepared estimates in the year in which they intend to retire.

You must request a staff-prepared estimate if:    
- You have a frozen annuity (previously received a monthly benefit from PSERS).
- You are considering applying for a disability retirement benefit within the 12 months.
- You are a multiple service member (combined PSERS and State Employees' Retirement System (SERS) covered employment) and are considering retirement within the next 24 months.*
- You have a benefit with the Internal Revenue Code Section 415(b) limit applied.

* If you are a multiple service member (a member who has service credit with the State Employees' Retirement System (SERS) and PSERS), you can use the estimate calculator to obtain general projections of your combined benefit, provided you add your SERS contributions, interest, and service to your PSERS information.

SERS Membership ClassShould be added to:
Class AClass T-C
Class AAClass T-D
Class A-3Class T-E
Class A-4Class T-F
Class A5Class T-G
Class A6Class T-H

You should enter the combined amounts as well as any Purchase of Service Debt, if applicable. Results will be approximations only. Please keep in mind, only one year of service credit will be given per year. If you are not sure if you have excess service credit, please contact PSERS. Please note that, for Class T-G and Class T-H members, the withdrawal of contributions and interest may result in a significant reduction in the monthly benefit.

If you are calculating an estimate for any month other than June, the projected contributions and interest may be under- or overstated. This is one reason PSERS suggests that you receive a staff-prepared retirement estimate prior to retirement.

Class T-G and Class T-H Members: The estimate provided through this calculator applies to the defined benefit (DB) component of your retirement only. To view your defined contribution (DC) account value, access your DC account through your Member Self-Service (MSS) account. Please note that, for Class T-G and Class T-H members, the withdrawal of contributions and interest may result in a significant reduction in the monthly benefit.

Shared Risk/Shared Gain Provision for Class T-E, Class T-F, Class T-G, and Class T-H Members

With the "shared risk" and the "shared gain" provisions, Class T-E, Class T-F, Class T-G, and Class T-H members benefit when investments of the Fund are doing well and share some of the risk when investments underperform. Your contribution rate will stay within the specified range, but may increase or decrease by a set percentage depending on your membership class within the specified range once every three years.

The "shared risk/gain" provisions only affect the defined benefit (DB) component of Class T-G and Class T-H member contributions. Contributions to the defined contribution (DC) component of your PSERS retirement will not change.

Membership Class DB Base Rate Shared Risk/Gain Increment Min  Max  
Class T-E 7.50% +/- 0.50% 5.50% 9.50% 
Class T-F 10.30% +/-0.50% 8.30% 12.30% 
Class T-G 5.50% +/-0.75% 2.50% 8.50% 
Class T-H 4.50% +/-0.75% 1.50% 7.50% 

The estimate calculator uses the Base Rate, therefore member contributions could differ. 




All Commonwealth systems and usage are monitored for security purposes.  As a user of this site, it is important that you understand you have the responsibility to:

- Use the system only for the purposes specified by PSERS.
- Comply with controls established by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, PSERS, and public law as referenced on the PSERS website.
- Prevent disclosure of sensitive information.          

This PSERS member calculator will provide general, estimated potential benefit amounts under all basic retirement options using current and future dates for most full-time employees.  Use of this calculator is for general information purposes. The calculator and the resulting calculation does not validate a member's account information. Use of this calculator is not intended to be a substitute for retirement counseling. A PSERS retirement benefit is not based on the information entered into this calculator.

The resulting estimates will show estimated amounts for each option, with and without the withdrawal of contributions and interest. Class T-E, Class T-F, Class T-G, and Class T-H members have a cost-neutral withdrawal option.